Welcome to Tea Research Association , Tocklai
Tea Research Association, India ( TRA Tocklai ) has been the trend setter for all scientific research on tea in the world. Be it the wide array of it's planting materials, engineering solutions such as the CTC , Rotorvane and other aspects of R&D, TRA Tocklai has always been the first since 1911. This application is being developed for the benefit of all who is associated with the tea industry .
One will be able to find everything written in the tea bible " Tocklai Tea Encyclopedia" in this app. Incase you can't find your answer to your query , you can ask a question and we will answer your query. Planter friends can also upload photos of their problems through the " Ask Questions " menu option to receive a reply to their query.
Chai piyo mast jiyo !
Selamat Datang di Tea Research Association, Tocklai
Asosiasi Riset Teh, India (TRA Tocklai) telah menjadi trend setter untuk semua penelitian ilmiah tentang teh di dunia. Baik itu beragam itu penanaman bahan, solusi rekayasa seperti CTC, Rotorvane dan aspek lain dari R & D, TRA Tocklai selalu yang pertama sejak 1911. Aplikasi ini sedang dikembangkan untuk kepentingan semua orang yang berhubungan dengan industri teh.
Satu akan dapat menemukan segala sesuatu yang tertulis dalam Alkitab teh "Tocklai Tea Encyclopedia" di app ini. Memetikan Anda tidak dapat menemukan jawaban Anda untuk pertanyaan Anda, Anda dapat mengajukan pertanyaan dan kami akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Teman Planter juga dapat meng-upload foto dari masalah mereka melalui "Ajukan Pertanyaan" pilihan menu untuk menerima balasan dengan permintaan mereka.
Chai piyo mast Jiyo!
Welcome to Tea Research Association , Tocklai
Tea Research Association, India ( TRA Tocklai ) has been the trend setter for all scientific research on tea in the world. Be it the wide array of it's planting materials, engineering solutions such as the CTC , Rotorvane and other aspects of R&D, TRA Tocklai has always been the first since 1911. This application is being developed for the benefit of all who is associated with the tea industry .
One will be able to find everything written in the tea bible " Tocklai Tea Encyclopedia" in this app. Incase you can't find your answer to your query , you can ask a question and we will answer your query. Planter friends can also upload photos of their problems through the " Ask Questions " menu option to receive a reply to their query.
Chai piyo mast jiyo !